{ GeoTone }


The main features of GeoTone are,
1. Configure your favorite sound profile for each geo location
2. Geo-Task, Geo based reminder service

What is Sound Profile Configuration?
Each and every android device has 3 type of audio alerts.
1. System sounds & notifications
2. Vibrate and Silent
3. Alarm Sounds


Think you are working in an office and you should turn your mobile silent when you're inside it. Its a forgettable thing that changing profiles when reaching to office and leaving from office. Now it doesn't matter wherever you are, GeoTone will take care of your sound profiles according to your location. Pick a place, set your profile and start GeoTone. That's it!

What is Geo-Task in GeoTone?

Need to memorize something when we reaching to a specific location, in a specific day and in a specific time? Set your place, date, time and the description in GeoTone-Tasks. Application will send you a notification when you reach to the place in initiated date and time.

As an example what if you do like to make a notice to buy something from shopping mall? It could be on a paper and definitely you will forget that. Using GeoTone it’s very easy now. It will notify you when you reach to the shopping mall for given date and time.

What Next?

Now you are done! You can start GeoTone service using Navigation viewer. Tap on "Start/Stop GeoTone"

Please make sure to enable your GPS service to acquire correct location data.

Technologies Used by the App

Script+ developed by using Android Studio which is free and open source development tool for all the android app developers. To store data & information internally The Room persistence library has used. This library provides an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow fluent database access while harnessing the full power of SQLite. To acquire accurate location information LocusService third party library has used.

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