Electricity Consumption monitoring tool and decision making application for any type of tariff consumer.
Geo-based Sound Profile Configurator & Geo-Task Reminder
According to a specific location, GeoTone will handle System sound configurations and
Specific reminder tasks automatically.
EasyLec is a simple native mobile application which can be used to let your mobile device to go into silent mode and recover it easily. This application is designed for students in universities but this can be used by anyone who need this functionality (Teachers, Lectures, Employees).
RecLec is a simple native mobile application which can be used to record your daily attendance of lectures and analyze the average of attendance for each and every subjects. This android application is designed for university students but this app also suits for the other users (Teachers, Lecturers) also.
Script+ is a simple native android text editor application which can be used to note down everything you need to remember. This application has extra functionalities rather than typical text editor applications. Script+ let you not only note down but also set password each notes if they are private and share the notes with your friends at any time.
This project is for the people who need to get updates about Dengue threats near your location. The server application is not for all users because this app can be used only by authorized users. Using this server app you can easily set data for any location.
This project is for the people who need to get updates about Dengue threats near your location. The client application let you know the number of dengue patients, the number of deaths and the Risk level in your nearest location.