RecLec is a simple native mobile application which can be used to record your daily attendance of lectures and analyze the average of attendance for each and every subjects. This android application is designed for university students but this app also suits for the other users (Teachers, Lecturers) also.
There is a cut off mark in each and every universities which is calculated by the attendance of each and every student and decide whether he or she is eligible for the examinations. Genarally the average is 80% in every universities. If there is a student who has an average of attendance lower than 80% he or she will be unable to sit to the examination. If we can mark our daily attendace for each subjects we can finally calculate the average. Can you do that every day? I don’t think so. In a piece of paper, we can record them but what will happen if the paper is lost? Everything gone! You can’t mark the attendance again because you are unable to remember the previous attendances.
Here I do have a solution. The RecLec android app will let you record daily attendance of each and every subjects and also it will calculate average of your attendance the day by day and show the information in fancy way.
This guidance will help you to learn how to use RecLec application. First install the app into your android device the run it.
An splash screen will appear when you fireup the application. Now you will see the main menu (Main activity) of the application. Here you have 3 buttons. “Today Attendance” can be used to record your daily attendance. “Summary” will show you the calculated average of attendance and “Settings” will let you the configure your application.
At first you should add the subjects according to current semester. To do that, simply click on the “Setting” button and then Settings menu will appear. Now you will see the Settings activity. Click on the “Add subject” button to add an subject to your database. Then an another interface will show up. Here you need to type your Subject name and choose the dedicated day for the subject. As an example just think you have a subject “Advance Database Management Systems” and you have 2 lectures in Monday and Tuesday. Then you need to do is enter the subject name in the text field and choose Monday from the drop down menu and click on the “Map and Add” button. Again you need to choose Tuesday from the drop down menu and again click on the button. The app doesn’t allow to input same subject and day again and again. Easy right? Now you are done the configuration part.
Now you can record your daily attendance from your application. After each and every day you just need to do is click on the “Today Attendance” button and check your subjects and Submit. Then the data will be automatically updated in the database
What if you have a lecture but it’s an extra lecture for today. The other lectures will not appear in the list box. Doesn’t matter you can manually add another lecture record also to your daily attendance. Just click on the “Additional Lecture” button and new interface will showup. Here you just need to do is select your extra subject and press on the “Submit” button. That’a all.
If you want to manual edit your attendance go to main menu and click on the “Settings” button and the Settings interface will show up and do your changes by choosing each subject from the given drop down menu. Then you can update the records by click on the “Update” button.
Now this the great part! If you need analyze the daily attendance information, Just click on the “Summary” button in the main menu, then new interface will appear. It has a list view and each item show you the toal attendance, total days cunducted lecture, current average and the percentage of the average in a progress bar for each subject. If the average is higher than 80% the progressbar will be colored in Green. If the average is higher than 60% but lower than 80% the progress bar will colored in Yellow. In this level you need to pay attention for the attendance of that subject. If the average lowe than 60% the progress bar will colored in Red. Then the situation is critical. You shoul have attend to this subject everyday and increase the average for the subject. Actually this interface tells you lots of information about your current attendance.
For each semester you need to add new Subjects to the application. Before you do that, you need to clear all the data. It’s simple to do that, just click on the “Clear All” button in the Setting window and you can reset your database. That’s all.
RecLec is developed by using Android Studio which is free and open source development tool for all the android app developers. To store the subjects and the relevant days, I used SQLite database which is a built-in database implementation comes with every Android OS and it supports all the relational database features.
Note : An authentication service is included into the new version of EasyLec application. It allows you to secure your attendance data by preventing the data changing situation can be done by unauthorized people.